Nature Journaling: How To Discover Calmness and Creativity In The Great Outdoors

woman car camping, writing on lap top with text "How to start a nature journal: self reflection in. the great outdoors."

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Have you ever found yourself captivated by the beauty of nature, wishing you could capture its essence and preserve it meaningfully? If so, nature journaling might be just what you're looking for. 

Nature journaling is a practice that combines the joy of being outdoors with the art of self-expression. But it's more than just putting pen to paper. It's an invitation to immerse yourself in the wonders around you and forge a deeper connection with their intricate details. And in doing so, you may even notice a shift in the connection you develop with yourself. 

In this blog post, I'll cover:

  • My Personal Experience with Nature Journaling

  • Benefits of Nature Journaling

  • How to Get Started Nature Journaling

  • Choosing the Perfect Outdoor Spot

  • Techniques for Nature Journaling

    • Capturing Nature's Beauty: Drawing and Painting

    • Adding Depth to your entries: Descriptive Writing and Reflections

    • Enhancing the Experience: Nature Photography and Collage

  • Sharing and Community

So grab your journal, find a comfortable seat outside, and let's dive in!

My Personal Experience with Nature Journaling

I've always loved the idea of being outdoors. Even when I'm not looking, nature has a way of grabbing my attention, and she always has something interesting to show me. 

But, like most of us do, I get wrapped up in the business and immediacy of life and forget to take a break and appreciate my surroundings. 

So when I moved 9 hours away from home last year to a state I had never stepped foot in, I decided now would be the perfect time to reset. Because when nothing else in life is familiar, I still have my love of nature. 

I like to spend even just a few minutes every day observing nature and seeing what messages she has for me. I usually do this while drinking coffee on my front porch in the morning. 

Even as I write this, I'm sitting here watching the squirrels and the chipmunks run up and down the trees, going from one to the next. They're just going about their daily routines, and I'm embracing the connection to my own life. My own daily routine. Are the two really all that different?

Benefits of Nature Journaling

Nature journaling has many incredible benefits. My favorite is promoting and practicing self-reflection because when you're reflecting on nature, you're really reflecting on your perception of nature. And there's a lot to learn about yourself in that perception. 

In addition to aiding self-reflection, nature journaling also allows you to practice mindfulness. This is the practice of being in the moment and taking in your surroundings. It sounds overly simple, but many of us need a reminder to do this regularly. 

Nature journaling also improves our observation skills. When we practice looking into the big picture and picking out the details, we improve, making it more natural. This is a skill that carries across almost every discipline!

So with all these benefits in mind, let's look at how to get started!

Getting Started Nature Journaling

The adventure of nature journaling is all about making it your own. It can be as simple or elaborate as suits you. 

The beauty of nature journaling lies in its accessibility. Just grab a pen and paper and find yourself a wild space to roam. 

Of course, there are no shortage of ways to customize your gear as well. I found this journal to be my perfect fit. It has crisp, thin ruled lines and a sturdy hardcover, perfect for pressing leaves and flowers between its pages. 

As for pens, I'm a huge fan of the reliable and sleek simplicity of this plain black pen but if you're looking for a dash of color, this set has the same sleekness in several colors. 

Leather notebook and pencil on canvas cloth with dried flowers around it

What's more, if you have a more artistic flair, a spiral-bound sketchbook might be your ideal companion. And if pencils or watercolors are more your style, feel free to explore those avenues as well. Just make sure to get something easy to carry with you, like this travel watercolor tin and these watercolor brush pens. . 

Remember, this is your journey and you can customize it however it feels right. So go ahead and make it your own! 

And if you're not feeling creative, or need a push to get started, you can even check out the FREE NATURE JOURNALING TEMPLATE by signing up for my email list below.

    Choosing the Perfect Outdoor Spot

    Now that you've gathered your supplies, let's focus on finding the perfect outdoor space. This can be virtually anywhere, but I'll share a few helpful pointers to get you started in the right direction.

    First and foremost, tranquility and solitude should be your guiding principles. Seek out quiet and uncrowded locations that allow for uninterrupted focus and a profound connection with the natural world.  

    I find it helpful to rely on my senses and listen intently. If I'm greeted by construction noises nearby or loud voices, that's my cue to move to a different spot. But if I close my eyes and only hear a symphony of birdsong, the playful rustling of squirrels, or the gentle breeze through the leaves around me, I know I've found a perfect spot. 

    These places can be found in a variety of settings such as serene hiking trails, inviting parks, enchanting botanical gardens, or even the comfort of your own backyard! Each place holds its own charm depending on the season and time of day. So be open to exploration and allow yourself to be drawn to locations that resonate with you and ignite that spark of inspiration. 

    Techniques for Nature Journaling

    Now we dive into the nitty-gritty details. You've gathered your supplies, found your perfect spot--now what?

    Well, friend, the beauty of it is that it's entirely up to you! There are various approaches to consider when it comes to capturing nature's essence on paper. 

    One technique that I gravitate towards--and perhaps it's not surprising since I'm writing this post to you--is descriptive writing. While it may seem simple, it holds tremendous power. 

    Descriptive writing is a powerful technique that lets you express the sights, sounds, and emotions experienced in nature. It slows down your mind to allow you to truly analyze those thoughts that usually race through at hyper speed. 

    However, if writing isn't your cup of tea and you're looking for something more artistic, sketching and painting can be fantastic alternatives! I'm always amazed by the thought that if 5 people draw the exact same thing, not a single one of those drawings will look alike. Replicating nature's beauty through your own perception and ability is a truly magical endeavor.

    In addition to these techniques, you could even explore photography or collage! Polaroid cameras have definitely come back into style, making it easy to attach a photo to your descriptive writing. Or you could even press a unique flower or leaf in between the pages of your journal for a physical momento!

    Sharing and Community

    So that's a wrap! We covered the incredible benefits of nature journaling, delved into how to get started, and explored different techniques to customize your journal to whatever suits you best!

    If you're still seeking inspiration, you can search #naturejournaling on Instagram or Pinterest for more ideas! I'd love to see your creations too, so feel free to tag me when sharing! (@thriveflourishco)

    However you do it, I hope this helped lessen any uncertainty you may have had. And please let me know in the comments if you started a nature journaling process and how it has impacted you!

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      Emily B

      I am a passionate, neurodivergent 20-something just trying to find my joy in this world and help others find theirs. I mostly find mine in nature and I want to share those joys with you as well as the strategies to find happiness wherever it may be. Your purpose is not to just survive, it is to Thrive and Flourish.


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